heart /hɑːt/

zemer,  srce, сърце, srce, Srdce, cœur, das Herz, καρδιά, szív, cuore, срце, serce, inimă, Сердце, srce, srdce, srce, corazón

Medical & Pharmaceutical

Working in medical & pharma, and being responsible for people’s health and lives, make for a highly sobering experience. Great responsibility comes with rigorous standards and strict regulatory laws, for both your work and that delivered by service providers.

SWS stands by you with an in-house physicist and medical practitioner, and multiple expert medical translators. We deploy industry-standard glossaries, professional project managers and several layers of quality control, in order to make sure we comply with your most rigorous standards.

Most frequent document types:
– Research and development
– Clinical studies
– Post-marketing surveillance of medicinal products
– Regulatory laws for marketing medicinal products
– Pharmaceutical marketing
– Summary of product characteristics (SmPC)
– Patient-reported outcomes (PROs)
– Case report forms (CRFs)
– Medical records

Medical & Pharmaceutical >>>

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