cog wheels /kɒɡ /wiːls/

ingranzh, zupčanik, зъбни колела, zupčanik, ozubená kola, roues dentées, die Zahnräder, γρανάζια, fogaskerekek, ruote dentate, запченици, koła zębate, rotil, когнеты, цогфелси, ozubené koleso, , ruedas dentadas


“A German engineering company flaps its products in Paris, and subsequently a product rush stampedes half of Europe.” We know this is not the right quote, but it is an accurate story about what our engineering clients are facing in the marketplace.

The chances are, you will relocate the manufacturing process or outsource engineering services. You will race along short product lifecycles and across multiple markets. And you will need a trusted partner to help getting your message through.

Since 2004, SWS supports engineering companies with professional translations performed by experienced, native-speaker specialist translators. We have refined our comprehensive glossaries while working with medium and large companies and are able to deliver with outstanding accuracy, no matter the tasks.

Most frequent applications:
– Packaging machines
– Machine tools
– Manufacturing and assembly technology
– Testing, measuring and control technology
– Hydraulic systems

Most frequent document types:
– Tender documents
– Handbooks and instruction manuals
– Technical documentation and product descriptions
– Reports and bill of materials
– Brochures, catalogues, trade magazines

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